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Robo Force: Worth the Reboot?

I’m always amazed when a toyline gets a cartoon but it doesn’t warrant a whole series. It’s not uncommon to see a toyline get a three- or five-episode mini-series—Ring Raiders had five episodes (which frankly CONTINUE READING…

Santa Claus The Movie

Santa Claus: The Movie

Title role notwithstanding, Santa was primarily a supporting character in 1985’s holiday family feature Santa Claus. Dudley Moore got top billing as an elf named Patch, with John Lithgow taking the role of antagonist B.Z. Saint CONTINUE READING…

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Weekday Morning Cartoons of the 90’s

When 90s rolled around, there was another special time to watch cartoons that has always stuck out in my mind. Saturday Morning Cartoons always get the glory, but I think it’s time to give Weekday Morning Cartoons of the 90s their due. CONTINUE READING…

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Retro Wiki

Guts Action Figures

GUTS Action Figures

Toy soldiers have allowed kids all over the world to be the generals of their own armies for many decades. These enduringly popular toys have seen many variations from the basic green plastic soldiers that CONTINUE READING…

Lawn Darts

Lawn Darts

Starting in the 1970s, people began to cast a suspicious eye on the safety standards used in making toys. Parents and lawmakers began voicing their concerns and this led to new legal standards for what CONTINUE READING…

Junk Food Files

Sizzler Restaurant

There are plenty of steak and shrimp lovers out there, but it’s not an indulgence they can always afford at most restaurants. For those on a budget, Sizzler steakhouses have long offered a cost-effective alternative, CONTINUE READING…

90s Featured

The Skip-It

One toy that any kid from the 90s is likely to remember is the Skip it! Don’t remember it? Well, I’m sure you’ll remember the catchy theme song from the commercials that repeatedly played while CONTINUE READING…

Cloak and Dagger

Cloak and Dagger

Cloak & Dagger told the story of the little boy who cried, “Government spies are selling out the country and I have the video game to prove it!” In this loose reworking of 1949’s The Window (which was CONTINUE READING…