Toy Stories: Mystery Date
Oh, the anticipation! Any minute, that door was going to open, and your destiny would take its form. Would it be the hunky bowler, that adorable ski boy, the beachgoing dreamboat, that dapper young dancer CONTINUE READING…
Oh, the anticipation! Any minute, that door was going to open, and your destiny would take its form. Would it be the hunky bowler, that adorable ski boy, the beachgoing dreamboat, that dapper young dancer CONTINUE READING…
Ever since enterprising toymakers hit on the gimmick of combining electricity and sports, many a fan has whiled his rainy-day hours away over miniaturized electric versions of his favorite outdoor games. Few U.S. sports are CONTINUE READING…
For a lot of people, their first experience with any kind of video game football was the classic Mattel Electronics Football. CONTINUE READING…
Before flowers from the neighbor’s yard and boxes of melty chocolate, little boys were known to give Creepy Crawlers to the girls they had crushes on. Oh, don’t wrinkle your nose…nothing says “maybe we can CONTINUE READING…
“Fire burns Wood! Wood floats on Water! Water puts out Fire!” Battle Beasts finally gave us the answer to a question that has plagued mankind since the dawn of time: If animals were bred into CONTINUE READING…
Gather ye ‘round, gather ye ‘round! Shoulder yourself in amongst the crowd that’s growing around the oven and take a gander through that glass…magic baked goods are transforming before your very eyes! We’re not talking CONTINUE READING…
If you took any pride at all in your toy chest—and we hope you did—it surely contained a View-Master. When the action figure war simulation wound down and you needed a short intermission before you CONTINUE READING…
Toy soldiers have allowed kids all over the world to be the generals of their own armies for many decades. These enduringly popular toys have seen many variations from the basic green plastic soldiers that CONTINUE READING…
You thought the WWF had some bizarre characters? Please. Anybody who wanted to see some real oddball wrestling action in the mid-80s took a visit down to the M.U.S.C.L.E. arena. Those brawny battlers on television may have CONTINUE READING…
November of 1979 was the moment the future finally arrived in the American living room. When the holidays arrived a month later, many American children (mostly boys) were treated to the toy of their dreams, CONTINUE READING…
Starting in the 1970s, people began to cast a suspicious eye on the safety standards used in making toys. Parents and lawmakers began voicing their concerns and this led to new legal standards for what CONTINUE READING…
Few phrases strike more fear in the hearts of parents than, “Can I have a puppy/kitty/bunny/parakeet/lizard?” (for the record, those are separate pet options, not one horrible, genetically-engineered super pet). And with good reason. Mom CONTINUE READING…
A bejillion years from now, when archaeologists are digging up the suburban dens of our buried civilization, amid all the broken down ColecoVisions and My Buddy dolls, a Yahtzee box will be reverently dusted off and carted away. CONTINUE READING…
It may be time to revise the old maxim, “Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door.” The mousetrap in the board game of the same name may have CONTINUE READING…
Lay out the board, parcel out the territories, build up the armies, and commence global conquest. Even people who “don’t play strategy games” know Risk. Simple enough for a young mind to grasp, yet elaborate CONTINUE READING…
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