Eerie Indiana

Eerie, Indiana

Imagine taking the quirkiness of a David Lynch-type series and applying it to a show for kids. The result might look something like Eerie, Indiana, which aired for a single season on NBC in 1991 and CONTINUE READING…

Jiffy Pop
Junk Food

Jiffy Pop

Popcorn has been around since the first Thanksgiving celebrated by this country, a gift from the Native Americans that we embraced then and still do. A staple of movie theaters since the early 1900s, the CONTINUE READING…

Cop Rock

Cop Rock

When people who aren’t television fans are asked why they don’t watch, they usually answer with something like, “It’s just the same old stuff,” or “No one has tried anything new on television in years.” CONTINUE READING…

Adams Gum
Junk Food

Adams Gums

It’s hard to fathom childhood without chewing gum. Nostalgia just seeps out of the stuff. Whether you recall the comic tales of Bazooka Joe, the stick of stale pink stuff in a pack of baseball CONTINUE READING…

Retro Wiki

Toy Stories: Yahtzee

A bejillion years from now, when archaeologists are digging up the suburban dens of our buried civilization, amid all the broken down ColecoVisions and My Buddy dolls, a Yahtzee box will be reverently dusted off and carted away. CONTINUE READING…