Adam reviews the first 10 issues of Kurt Busiek’s Astro City, explores the 3rd Annual Wizard Scavenger Hunt, plus more contests, Top 10 Comics and more!
A Last Man Standing battle between Boba Fett and Deadpool, Michael Turner does a Fathom movie Casting Call, Top 10 Worst Comic Merchandise list, a review of ShockRockets from Gorilla Comics and more. Enjoy it, CONTINUE READING…
Since their inception, online slots have evolved from simple mechanical machines into sophisticated digital experiences that captivate millions of players worldwide. CONTINUE READING…
There were so many great things that made the ’90s memorable and fun to grow up in. But since there were so many memorable things, we took them for granted, and rarely “stopped to smell CONTINUE READING…
Like many other children of the 80s or 90s, I grew up watching Saved by the Bell. I previously wrote an article about something that has always puzzled some fans of the show, titled “Where Did CONTINUE READING…
Perhaps one of the darkest days in soft drink history occurred on April 23, 1985, when a true American icon was altered beyond all recognition. Yes, this is the day that Coca-cola announced to the CONTINUE READING…
Living in the past and loving it. A child of the 80s/90s who enjoys collecting old VHS tapes, action figures, video games and remembering the fun of being a kid. Co-Host of WIZARDS The Podcast Guide To Comics who loves talking 90's comics.
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