VHS Archive: The Hidden NFL (1991)

One of the biggest traditions that Americans celebrate on Thanksgiving, outside of overdosing on tryptophan, is watching pro football. Beginning in 1970, the games played on “turkey day” were exclusively hosted by the Detroit Lions and Dallas Cowboys. In 2006, a third game was added to the Thanksgiving schedule. With all that football, you can truly turn the holiday into an all day affair. Since this post being published on Thanksgiving Day, I thought I’d share a recent VHS find (also featured in a recent episode of Thrift Store Horde) titled The Hidden NFL that will be great to watch if one of today’s pro football games becomes a blowout.

The Hidden NFL, produced by NFL Films and Sports Illustrated video, is a rare behind-the-scenes look at pro football in the early 90s. I was always a big fan of the “wired for sound” sports videos which really showcases the personality of players on the field. How much of what they say was over-exaggerated because they knew they were mic-ed up? Who knows, but I always found it entertaining. Here is the description from the back of the slip cover:

The world of pro football is a game that is often seen but seldom heard. Indeed, the sights are sensational, but the sounds of the game are what truly reveal the intensity of the conflict. When the audio is combined with the visual of the NFL, the results reveal a world that the fans have witnessed but few have ever heard or understood. A pioneer in wireless microphones and location sound for over 25 years, NFL Films has been specializing in uncovering what is being said on NFL gridirons, sidelines, and in the stands of pro football. The results have been fascinating, informative, funny, and highly entertaining.

In this video, you’ll discover the hidden world of “The Pit,” and find out why coaches call it the most violent area on a football field. We’ll also help you unravel the quarterback cadence and learn why defenders jump offsides so often. Ever wonder what is being said in the locker room and bench area? Do you know what “jolly,” “zip,” “snake eyes,” “buck naked,” and “boss” really mean? Find out here.

The Hidden NFL – it’s 45 minutes of wired-for-sound action that allows fans to listen in on the mysterious and seldom heard world of pro football.

Whether you watch The Hidden NFL on Thanksgiving or just throughout the year, it’s about an hour of sports entertainment that’s worthy of an entry into the VHS archive on the TRN TV YouTube channel…

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About Jason Gross 556 Articles
'80s Kid, '90s Grad, and '00s Dad. I've been writing and podcasting about 1980s pop culture since 2011 at my Rediscoverthe80s.com website. I collect vinyl, cassingles, '80s comics, Batman memorabilia, and all things Mobile Armored Strike Kommand.

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