VHS Archive: 1995 Problem Child Marathon hosted by Gilbert Gottfried and Danny Tamberelli

Sifting through my VHS recordings recently, I stumbled across a tape from 1995 with Problem Child and Problem Child 2. Last year, I found both movies on VHS at a thrift store and ended up sending them to my Thrift Store Horde co-host Adam. I watched them both before shipping them off which I had not seen in decades.

I remember both movies being frequent video store rentals and I really enjoyed the re-watch. I think I didn’t mind them being sent to a new home because I had this recorded tape in the back of my mind. I decided to put the tape in yesterday and to my surprise, it was a whole marathon that was broadcast on the USA Network in 1995. “USA’s Complete Problem Child” was hosted by comedian and supporting actor in both films Gilbert Gottfried and child star Danny Tamberelli from The Mighty Ducks and Nickelodeon’s The Adventures of Pete & Pete. To my delight, their hosted segments, which were taped at Planet Hollywood in New York City, were still intact with all of the glorious commercials.

The segments surrounding the two films are really fun. Gilbert and Danny’s interaction is enjoyable but there are also highlight packages strung together from both films and the animated series! I totally forgot that USA produced a cartoon in 1993 that ran on its heralded Cartoon Express programming for two seasons. Gottfried reprised his role as Igor Peabody which makes him the only actor to appear in both films and the animated series.

The quality of the recording has degraded but I felt the segments were decent enough to string together and share on The Retro Network’s TRN TV YouTube channel. Enjoy!

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About Jason Gross 556 Articles
'80s Kid, '90s Grad, and '00s Dad. I've been writing and podcasting about 1980s pop culture since 2011 at my Rediscoverthe80s.com website. I collect vinyl, cassingles, '80s comics, Batman memorabilia, and all things Mobile Armored Strike Kommand.

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