TRN Podcast 026 – 1989 Sears Wishbook

Christmas is approaching and this week’s TRN Podcast is a deep dive into the holiday season from 30 years ago! We forego our usual Recurrent Events segment to give you an episode-long trip back to 1989 in the TRN Time Machine. Along with special guest Chad E. Young of, we will be taking a virtual shopping spree through the 1989 Sears Wishbook!

We invite you to play along by visiting (where we found scans of the catalog) and let us know who compiled the best list for Santa! We’ll be choosing from several different categories including toys, clothing, jewelry, bedroom, recreation, Christmas, VHS tapes, and two random items over the entire book. After we review our lists, we’ll dive back into the book for some more random fun items and oddities. Finally, we’ll wrap things up with what you can find on The Retro Network website this Christmas season.

Leave us your feedback by finding us on social media @TRNsocial on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also connect directly with hosts Jason (@RD80s), Mickey (@yesterdayville), and guest Chad (@horrormoviebbq) on Twitter.

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*Warning: Our excitement led to a few expletives in this episode so it is marked explicit.

This episode as been unlocked from the VIP Vault for everyone to enjoy!

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About Jason Gross 556 Articles
'80s Kid, '90s Grad, and '00s Dad. I've been writing and podcasting about 1980s pop culture since 2011 at my website. I collect vinyl, cassingles, '80s comics, Batman memorabilia, and all things Mobile Armored Strike Kommand.

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