The Run In: Our Christmas Playlist

Good Monday morning! We hope you’ve all recovered from a weekend of food and shopping. Here at The House Show we’re already in the Christmas mood. To help get the rest of our listeners into the holiday spirit, your trios tag team champions are counting down our favorite Christmas songs. You’ve heard our different wrestling opinions for months but now hear how much their musical tastes differ.

The Educator and Matty Treats name timeless classics and new songs destined to be so. Kevin takes the Polar Express off the rails and selects obscure favorites.

If you would like to join us, it’s a Christmas miracle! Check out the Spotify playlist below to listen to every song selected in our Christmas Playlist.

Or, if you prefer, listen to The House Show Christmas Playlist on Apple Music.

If you like the Hot Tag during the main show, you can now read all of Kevin’s show notes by becoming a Patron at the $5 level over at

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The Run In by The House Show Podcast is your weekly audio coffee on Monday mornings. It’s a chance for Matty, Kevin, The Educator, and guests to talk about current wrestling or just life in general. Contact The House Show across social media by following us on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook.

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About Kevin Decent 181 Articles
Kevin has been writing for retro and geek themed sites for over 12 years. He specializes in comics, pro wrestling, and heavy metal. But if it falls under the geek and retro banner, he'll be there.

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