The Run In: Best Wrestling Christmas Gifts

Christmas is almost here and it’s time to reflect. On today’s episode of The Run In, your trios tag team champions reminisce over our favorite wrestling Christmas gifts over the years.

There are gifts from when we were children. Some from adulthood. Many stories to be told. Best of all, some of these gifts involve two or all three of us.

Grab your eggnog and slippers. Then sit back as we unwrap toys, tickets, pay per views, and more.

This week’s The Run In is sponsored by!

The Run In by The House Show Podcast is your weekly audio coffee on Monday mornings. It’s a chance for Matty, Kevin, The Educator, and guests to talk about current wrestling or just life in general. Contact The House Show across social media by following us on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook.

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About Kevin Decent 180 Articles
Kevin has been writing for retro and geek themed sites for over 12 years. He specializes in comics, pro wrestling, and heavy metal. But if it falls under the geek and retro banner, he'll be there.

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