Tonight is a night of firsts. The first Unforgiven event. The first Inferno match. The first evening gown match. All of these first took place April 26, 1998 at the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina in front of over 21,000 fans. Unforgiven: In Your House is a hot show for more than one reason.

WrestleMania was the previous show and the era of Austin has begun. It’s a new era for the rest of WWF as well. Alliances have changed. Characters have altered. The entire company is following Stone Cold’s example and not looking back. The Nation of Domination has mutinied their leader and the Rock is the newest cool heel. The new D-Generation X is upsetting everyone in WWF. Wrestlers from another promotion are invading. The women finally get a match and it’s a real monkey’s paw be careful what you wish for. One of the most dangerous matches in the WWF makes its debut. Finally, Mick Foley shows why he was one of the best Superstars in all of the WWF during the late 1990’s.
All of this plus the breakdowns and tangents from your trios hosts. We go yachting. Was Ric Flair at Unforgiven? Which wrestlers do we have a new respect for thanks to the In Your House series? Nothing makes sense about the NWA angle. Why was Sable so popular? We call the Superstar Line then rank Jeff Jarrett’s musical performances. Plus so much more.
Unforgiven: In Your House matches include:
- Faarooq, Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman vs The Nation (D’Lo Brown, Mark Henry and The Rock) (with Kama Mustafa).
- Triple H vs. Owen Hart. Chyna is suspended above the ring in a shark cage.
- The New Midnight Express (Bodacious Bart and Bombastic Bob) (NWA tag team champions) (with Jim Cornette) vs The Rock ‘n’ Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson).
- Luna Vachon (with The Artist Formerly Known As Goldust) vs Sable in an Evening Gown match.
- The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and Road Dogg) (WWF Tag Team Champions of the Worrrrrrrrllllldddddd) vs LOD 2000 (Animal and Hawk) (with Sunny).
- The Undertaker vs Kane (with Paul Bearer) in an Inferno Match.
- Stone Cold Steve Austin (WWF Champion) vs Dude Love.
The Retro Network’s own Kevin Decent (@MaskedLibrary) along with his two best friends “Sweet” Matty Treats (@MattyTreats) and Matt “the Educator of Excellence” are revisiting the WWF’s In Your House pay per view events over the course of the worldwide quarantine. This trios team has been watching wrestling all their lives and debating the outcomes since high school. Join them each week for a new podcast and invite them in your house.
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