Rediscovering Comics: Batgirl, Vol 6 (2025)

Batgirl Title

Batgirl is back with an all new ongoing series, volume 6 of the Batgirl saga. Batgirl is part of the DC “All In” Initiative. All In is DC’s current jumping on point for new readers. It doesn’t rewrite origins but it allows new readers a place to start while re-introducing established Superheroes.

All In started back in October 2024 and includes the majority of the DC books published. All In is also different from the new DC Absolute Universe, which is more an alternative universe for a few Superheroes. It’s nice to know the comic publishers are still good at thoroughly confusing readers. 🤦‍♂️

The last time I encountered Batgirl was in Batman: The Killing Joke. Batgirl was the alter ego of Barbara Gordon, who was unceremoniously shot by the Joker, leaving her paralyzed. If you haven’t read Batman: The Killing Joke, I highly recommend it for any Batman fan.

Forty years later and Gordon is no longer Batgirl, it’s someone named Cassandra Cass, who’s mother, as we find out in Batgirl #1 is Lady Shiva. Now, I know Lady Shiva, she’s been around since the days before I was reading comics. Lady Shiva is a world-renowned martial artist and master assassin.

Lady Shiva has a couple of origins, one Pre-Crisis and one Post-Crisis. I’m not sure which one, if either is still canon. The Post-Crisis origin story is where Cassandra comes into play. Shiva makes a deal to save her life and it results in the birth of Cassandra. Lady Shiva played an integral part of Batman’s recuperation after the events of Batman: Knightfall too.

Currently, Batgirl, Vol.6 (2025) has three issues in print. We’ll discuss them all and see if this new comic is worth reading.

Batgirl covers

Batgirl #1 opens with Batgirl talking to her mother in a high-rise building. Reading the issue and not knowing the back story of Batgirl I had no idea who her mother was. On page 2 ‘mom’ refers to Batgirl as Cassandra Cain, adding to my confusion. Obviously between Barbara Gordon getting shot by the Joker and this comic someone else took on the mantle of Batgirl, someone named Cassandra Cain.

Then at the end of Page 2 Batgirl calls ‘mom’ Shiva and it’s quiet apparent the two don’t really like each other. Before they get to deep into the conversation they are attacked by a group of ninja.

The two make quick work of the ninja and head to Shiva’s temple, which is then rocked by an explosion. The issue ends with Batgirl and Shiva surrounded by another group of ninja.

Batgril #2 opens with the two ladies surrounded and fighting the ninja. There’s a little more back-story in issue #2 which is good. It helped me, as I’m sure it will most new readers, figure out what is going on. We meet Batgirl’s supporting cast of characters led by Ba Bao.

Through Ba Bao and Shiva’s interaction we get more back-story on Batgirl and how she was raised. It’s a good way to introduce the character to the reader while an in-book character learns the same information.

Mother and daughter sit down to talk only to be interrupted by, you guessed it, more ninja. This time they have leader named Kalden the Unseen, whom Shiva knows and seems to fear. Oh and I should mention the ninja are undead, well the book calls them Unburied. Whatever they want to call them, they seem to be zombie ninja.

Part (issue) 3 opens with Batgirl and Shiva on a train. They are discussing, mainly arguing about their differences and Lady Shiva introduces Batgirl to members of the Order of Shiva, who are also on the train. Jayesh the High Priest of the Order offers to heal Batgirl.

Batgirl Ninja Fight

As they are walking, Jayesh tells Batgirl about Lady Shiva and the origins of the Order of Shiva. It’s the same kind of exposition from Issue #2 when Shiva talked with Ba Bao. Through both interactions readers are introduced to the main characters.

No Unburied Ninja in this episode but there is a great fight scene with the League of Assassins ending in a surprising reveal. The Unburied must be a dangerous foe, Lady Shiva has aligned herself with some unscrupulous allies.

Writer Tate Brombal crafts an intriguing story, giving just enough clues to keep you coming back for answers. Artist Takeshi Miyazawa brings the story to life with his excellent artwork. There’s a hint of manga influence and his fight scenes are expertly drawn. Bringing the comic to life is colorist Mike Spencer, he uses light and shadows to emphasis the depth and movement of characters.

I don’t think I’ve seen any of their work before but I’m liking it on Batgirl.

Overall I enjoyed the first three issues of Batgirl. It’s filled with action, some exposition to establish the characters for new readers (even me) and mystery. If you are looking for a new comic to read Batgirl is a great option.

Batgirl Mother Title

The first 6-issues of Batgirl encompass a story arc titled “Mother.” I’m enjoying the series and will continue through this story arc and see what the future issues hold. So far my modern comic journey is off to a good start.

Have you read Batgirl? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. You can share your thought on X too. The main Retro Network channel is @TRNSocial and I’m @MileHighSamurai You can also find me on Bluesky @MileHighSamurai

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About Pitfall Gary 181 Articles
Just your average Gen X'er. Born in the 70s and raised in the Decade of Decadence! I rode my bike without a helmet and was home when the street lights came on. I love to reminisce about the good ol' days; Movies, TV, music, if it happened in my childhood I'll share it with you.

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