Hellions Talks: Joe Sposto of At Odds Wrestling

The Hot Tag is over and the era of Hellions Talks officially begins. To celebrate the rechristening, today’s guest is one I’ve wanted to have since day one. Joe Sposto is a co-host for Longbox Heroes, Longbox Heroes After Dark, and At Odds with Wrestling.

Joe has done commentary for hundreds of matches for many wrestling companies. Joe’s knowledge of wrestling history is second only to the amount of wrestling stories he was present for. Kevin and Joe discuss independent wrestling, podcasting, fatherhood, and so much more.

This is an amazing one on one talk, and hopefully the first of many. If you enjoy hearing Joe’s voice and stories, please follow his podcasts online and download them through your favorite RSS feed catcher.

Listen to Longbox HeroesAfter Dark, and follow the Twitter account. Listen to At Odds with Wrestling, and follow the Twitter account.  You can follow Joe Sposto on Twitter including exploits like Terry Tuesday and more on his account.

As part of The Retro Network, this show is pleased to tell you all about the great deals at FUN.com.

Subscribe to Hellions Talks in your favorite app. Follow Kevin Hellions aka MaskedLibrary on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram. Support Kevin as a creator on Patreon and receive bonus content!

Visit The Retro Network podcast page for every show on the network.

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About Kevin Decent 180 Articles
Kevin has been writing for retro and geek themed sites for over 12 years. He specializes in comics, pro wrestling, and heavy metal. But if it falls under the geek and retro banner, he'll be there.

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