If You Watch Field of Dreams…He Will Cry.

What movie turns you into a blubbering baby every time you see it?

As a fan of the ’80s, there are a few movie scenes that have worked their teary-eyed magic on me as a kid and continue to melt me as an adult. As a kid watching Superman II, I remember crying when he first decides to remove his powers and quit being Superman. And then if that wasn’t enough, I had to endure watching the crap being beaten out of him by that trucker-type guy at the diner. Another emotional roller coaster I experienced as a kid was The Neverending Story. From the heights of flying with Falcor to the lows of losing Atreyu’s horse Artax in the muddy Swamp of Sadness, it was amazing I was able to function at all after watching that movie as an 8 year old.

Then there was that day in 1986 we all experienced…”the day the cartoons died.” Watching Optimus Prime die in Transformers: The Movie is probably the Old Yeller moment for children of the ’80s. Thankfully Optimus came back in the animated series, but his death that gripped us as kids still is hard to watch today. Another movie that I recently found that has the same affect is E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial. I recently watch it for the first time in years with my boys, which was their first viewing. I didn’t seem to remember the emotional ties I had to the movie, but E.T.’s death, the flying bike scene over the police cars, the departure home…they all had me tearing up. But there is one other movie that makes the tears roll more than any other…Field of Dreams.

Field of Dreams has the firmest grip on my tear ducts. I loved playing baseball as kid. Whether it was wiffleball with the neighborhood kids, organized little league, or just playing catch with my dad, I felt like I grew up with a glove permanently attached to my left hand until I was about 13. I connected with the movie at first, mainly as a fan of baseball. I appreciated the story for what is was, but didn’t truly connect with its emotions. But now, after having becoming a father myself and playing baseball with my two boys, the ending of the movie gets me every time. Watching Ray’s blind faith to build the field and then embarking on a journey with no end in sight just magnifies the climax of the film. Ray’s re-connection with his dad by just playing catch is so simple and yet, so pure. The scene that begins with introduction of Ray’s daughter to his dad and then the simple question “Dad? You wanna have a catch?” is an awesome emotional experience. It’s one of child-like joy and parental pride all wrapped into one. I feel fortunately that I’ve got to personally experience both sides. And that’s if you watch Field of Dreams…he will cry.

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About Jason Gross 556 Articles
'80s Kid, '90s Grad, and '00s Dad. I've been writing and podcasting about 1980s pop culture since 2011 at my Rediscoverthe80s.com website. I collect vinyl, cassingles, '80s comics, Batman memorabilia, and all things Mobile Armored Strike Kommand.

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