Top ’80s Cartoons that Deserve a Reboot
I know the prospect of rebooting the beloved shows of our youth is a touchy subject. While I love the original versions of many of these shows, I still would love to see some of CONTINUE READING…
I know the prospect of rebooting the beloved shows of our youth is a touchy subject. While I love the original versions of many of these shows, I still would love to see some of CONTINUE READING…
I ended a previous article saying I’d rather take an Air Raiders cartoon over the Ring Raiders, and I feel the need to explain why. I didn’t find Ring Raiders, the toy or the cartoon, CONTINUE READING…
One of the greatest joys I felt as a kid was waking up bright and early on a Saturday morning, getting a bowl of sugary cereal, sitting down in front of the television set, and CONTINUE READING…
Even though my last list was all the other retro properties that I wish Mega Construx would pick up, don’t let that fool you for a second because I’m still jonesing for more Masters of CONTINUE READING…
I’ve made it no secret on Twitter that I love the Mega Construx Masters of the Universe and classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sets. Having finished Castle Grayskull last year and currently wading through the CONTINUE READING…
In 1986, a movie came out featuring giant transforming robots traversing the cosmos, they search for a threat that could possibly mean the end of the universe. That movie, of course, was Gobots: Battle of the Rock Lords. CONTINUE READING…
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