WIZARDS The Podcast Guide To Comics | Gen13 Animated Movie Review

For years, Wizard magazine reported on the promise of a Gen13 animated film based on the Wildstorm comic drawn by J. Scott Campbell and written by Brandon Choi. The director came from Batman The Animated Series, the cast included Mark Hamill and Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers, plus there was plenty of titilating imagery to be had. But although completed, the film was never released and was only seen via convention sold bootlegs. Well now, we are reviewing this lost film and delving deep into the comic book history of Gen13 with special guest, William Bruce West!

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About Adam Pope 272 Articles
Living in the past and loving it. A child of the 80s/90s who enjoys collecting old VHS tapes, action figures, video games and remembering the fun of being a kid. Co-Host of WIZARDS The Podcast Guide To Comics who loves talking 90's comics.

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