In this episode of Wax Pack Flashback, Adam and Jason both open a pack of Fleer Batman Forever cards from 1995. This 120-card set featured promo shots and stills from the movie. Unfortunately, there were no chase cards produced with the set, but the guys find some very fun cards and share their memories of Batman Forever to kick off the video.
Don’t forget, if you are a VIP of The Retro Network, you get early access to every TRN TV video AND exclusive Wax Pack Flashback openings that won’t be posted on YouTube! Watch the Batman Foreveropening video below and subscribe to the TRN TV YouTube channel so you won’t miss a episode.
Last edition I looked at a DC comic, Batgirl, so I though I’d jump over to Marvel and one of my all time favorite mutants, Wolverine. I’ve been a fan of Wolverine since I first CONTINUE READING…
It’s animated high adventure as Adam and Will revisit the world of James Bond Jr., the barely remembered animated series starring the nephew of 007 that tried to redefine the world of high stakes espionage CONTINUE READING…
There have been plenty of toys that allowed children to put their natural creative energies to work. Legos, Erector sets, and countless other similar items let kids build elaborate kingdoms and complex machines to satisfy the need CONTINUE READING…
As we’re walking through the music of the 1983 Billboard charts every Wednesday, we would be remiss if we didn’t take a minute and recognize the contributions made by hard rock and heavy metal bands CONTINUE READING…
More often we remember songs that reached #1 on the pop charts. But what about those songs from the ’80s that were good enough to make it to #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 but just couldn’t make CONTINUE READING…
So much of the popular culture I was consuming in the watershed year of 1989 felt like more than just entertainment—instead, much of it felt incendiary. The world itself felt on the cusp of something big CONTINUE READING…
'80s Kid, '90s Grad, and '00s Dad. I've been writing and podcasting about 1980s pop culture since 2011 at my website. I collect vinyl, cassingles, '80s comics, Batman memorabilia, and all things Mobile Armored Strike Kommand.
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