Valentines Mix Tape: Hair Band Edition

With hair bands, you can go two different directions: sexy and suggestive or love and romance....

I had to make a choice for this playlist. With hair bands, you can go two different directions: sexy and suggestive or love and romance. I opted for the latter. It ballooned to 16 songs and it was no easy task to cut it down to 12, let me tell you. My favorite songs, “Wait” and “When I See You Smile” bookend the playlist.

So, here you go: Mix Tape, Hair band style…


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About Eric Vardeman 114 Articles
80's lover. Screenwriter. Cohost of The Greatest Lists podcast. Christmas enthusiast. Tulsa Curling Club founder. Cherokee. Guitar player. Boomer Sooner. Curator of 80's playlists (

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