Brought to you exclusively is this special edition of The Retro Rewind Show starring Mickey. In this episode, he and his daughter’s are making you aware of the best Halloween themed junk food for the 2019 season!
We all know and love the monster cereals, but what about the Boo Berry and Frankenberry Fruit Rollups? Does Kool-Aid doe a good job making Halloween themed pop rocks? What is the mystery flavor of Mountain Dew VooDoo? Are the new Hostess Scary Cakes just repainted versions of their iconic cupcakes? And the most pressing question this video answers…which one of the three is going to get the dreaded dead zombie skittle? Watch to get the answers to all of these questions and more!
It’s animated high adventure as Adam and Will revisit the world of James Bond Jr., the barely remembered animated series starring the nephew of 007 that tried to redefine the world of high stakes espionage CONTINUE READING…
There have been plenty of toys that allowed children to put their natural creative energies to work. Legos, Erector sets, and countless other similar items let kids build elaborate kingdoms and complex machines to satisfy the need CONTINUE READING…
Episode 12 of the RR Pod coming at you now! Ken starts the show by remembering the “Miracle on Ice” back in the 1980 Winter Olympics which was played 45 years ago in Lake Placid, CONTINUE READING…
When I was a kid game shows were a key part of my TV viewing experience. Whether it was a sick day from school, vacation or summer break, if I was home during the day CONTINUE READING…
This is the second part of a two-part feature. The first part was our Favorite “Singing” Scenes from ’80s movies. If you have not read that one yet, be sure to click on the link CONTINUE READING…
Before MTV The earliest ancestor of the modern music video was the soundie, a black-and-white 16mm film recording of a musician performing before a live audience. The first soundies appeared in 1940, and all the CONTINUE READING…
Sometimes referred to as the Retro Rambler...I was born in the '70s, grew up in the '80s, and came of age in the '90s. I love to share all the fun stuff from those years via my Retro Ramblings column.
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