Toys R’ Us Retail Stores Coming To Macy’s

Toys R’ Us is attempting another comeback as a brick-and-mortar retailer by partnering with Macy’s. According to a recent tweet from their official account, the toy store which went bankrupt in 2017 will now emerge inside existing Macy’s stores throughout the United States beginning in 2022.

Toys R’ Us has also began listing toys on its website that will be available to purchase through Macy’s website. Likewise, Macy’s has already added Toys R’ Us branding to its website to further launch the partnership.

Emerging from the ashes of bankruptcy in 2019 as TRU Kids, its lenders announced a return to retail stores in the future. That comeback consisted of two stores in Texas and New Jersey which closed in 2021 due to financial losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Lenders have also used “Geoffrey’s Toy Box” pop-up locations inside Kroger grocery stores in an attempt to keep the brand alive in recent years.

The latest comeback attempt with Macy’s promises 400 stores in 2022 with “much more to come.” Macy’s has had its own problems in recent years, announcing closures of over 100 stores. They also closed their Cincinnati headquarters in 2020, consolidating their operations into their New York City location. However, despite closings and a recent trend of declining stock prices, Macy’s remains at #164 on the Fortune 500 list.

What will these new Toys R’ Us stores look like? Will they stoke any nostalgic feelings toward the brand that might motivate parents to gather up the family and visit? That remains to be seen. However, you can be sure that the beloved mascot Geoffrey will lead the charge as Toys R’ Us tries to be relevant again in the retail industry.

Leave your thoughts in the comments on the new Toys R’ Us x Macy’s partnership.

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About Jason Gross 556 Articles
'80s Kid, '90s Grad, and '00s Dad. I've been writing and podcasting about 1980s pop culture since 2011 at my website. I collect vinyl, cassingles, '80s comics, Batman memorabilia, and all things Mobile Armored Strike Kommand.

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