Thrift Store Horde: Season 3, Episode 2

Adam and Kevin say farewell to their dearly departed co-host, Jason Gross. They did some thrifting in his honor and share their finds. Plus, the crew announce the newest member of the Horde, who will be joining to host in 2024.

Adam reveals 80’s children’s books starring ALF, Rainbow Brite and more along with some fun VHS and a very cult Laserdisc. Kevin shows off some WWE NXT 2.0 trading cards that may contain rare rookie card, plus some pulp novels and J. Scott Campbell Spider-Man covers he got for a song!

Check out the Horde on eBay! Click over and find items featured in our episodes and more:

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About Adam Pope 269 Articles
Living in the past and loving it. A child of the 80s/90s who enjoys collecting old VHS tapes, action figures, video games and remembering the fun of being a kid. Co-Host of WIZARDS The Podcast Guide To Comics who loves talking 90's comics.

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