The Run In: The Draft Part 1

It’s time to shake things up again! This Friday on Smackdown will begin the 2020 WWE Draft. Every talent from Raw or Smackdown is eligible to switch shows. This, in theory, inspires new matches, fresh starts, and new opportunities. And that usually works for one or two people that are moved around each year.

When your trios tag team champions were younger we used to do mock drafts of wrestlers all the time. To get wrestling fans excited and to reminisce, we will be holding our own draft on the next two episodes of The Run In.

The rules are simple. Anyone on Raw, Smackdown, NXT, or AEW is eligible. Tag teams count as one pick but a faction has to be broken up. This will be a snake draft so whoever has the third pick in one round then has the first pick in the next round.

We already shocked each other with our picks now it’s time to shock the listeners. Don’t forget to let the hosts know if you agree or disagree. This starts off cordial, gets heated, and next week is sure to be even more intense.

If you’re feeling a bit drafty why not buy some warm winter clothing with our logo? You can show your love for The House Show with a variety of clothing and other products now available at our store.

This week, The House Show is sponsored by and!

The Run In by The House Show Podcast is your weekly audio coffee on Monday mornings. It’s a chance for Matty, Kevin, The Educator, and guests to talk about current wrestling or just life in general. Contact The House Show across social media by following us on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook.

About Kevin Decent 181 Articles
Kevin has been writing for retro and geek themed sites for over 12 years. He specializes in comics, pro wrestling, and heavy metal. But if it falls under the geek and retro banner, he'll be there.

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