The Run In: The Collecting Journey Begins

A bold new direction for The House Show begins. Our collecting updates have been some of the most popular segments in show history. Now, once a month, we will focus on our collecting journey, beginning with this episode.

The Educator gives a very expensive video game collection update. Treats finds a figure recreating one of the most iconic pay per view moments of all time. Kevin is given a couple bucks and finds a brand new release in the wild. We debate how Treats should display his collections. The epic on card vs loose debate. A decision is reached on the new AEW figures. Plus the next hunt begins! It’s an evolution in figure hunting as our collecting journey continues.

Read all of Kevin’s show notes by becoming a Patron at the $5 level over at

Check out The House Show merchandise store at Tee Public!

The Retro Network’s own Kevin Decent (@MaskedLibrary) along with his two best friends “Sweet” Matty Treats (@MattyTreats) and Matt “the Educator of Excellence” began The House Show by reviewing WWF’s In Your House pay per view events over the course of the worldwide quarantine. Next, they covered all of the WCW Halloween Havoc events finishing out 2020. Now in 2021, they will be going back to WWF for all the Saturday Night’s Main Event shows. This trios team has been watching wrestling all their lives and debating the outcomes since high school. Invite them in your house each week for the main episode on Thursdays and The Run In on Mondays.

Contact The House Show across social media! Follow @TRNHouseShow on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook. Listen from the beginning! Subscribe to The House Show feed directly or search “The House Show” in your favorite podcast feed.

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About Kevin Decent 180 Articles
Kevin has been writing for retro and geek themed sites for over 12 years. He specializes in comics, pro wrestling, and heavy metal. But if it falls under the geek and retro banner, he'll be there.

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