The Run In – Mrs Hellions is NXT

Usually, our listeners have the pleasure of waking up with your trios tag team champions for The Run In. Today, wake up with the same person one of the hosts wakes up with. Today is a Hellions take over as the Masked Library Kevin Hellions is joined by his wife, Mrs Hellions, for the entire episode. 

Elise Hellions watched the October 21, 2020 episode of NXT as part of the House Show’s preparation for NXT Halloween Havoc. Your usual hosts have years of experience and try to stay up to date on the product. Elise’s thoughts and opinions on today’s show are a fascinating insight into what NXT and WWE are doing right and where they are failing to connect with the audience. Hot Topic, twins, and practice wheels are all discussed. 

Stay tuned for House Show merchandise.

This week, The House Show is sponsored by and featuring the biggest selection of costumes in the world and a vast selection of gift ideas, clothing, collectibles, and decor!

The Run In by The House Show Podcast is your weekly audio coffee on Monday mornings. It’s a chance for Matty, Kevin, The Educator, and guests to talk about current wrestling or just life in general. Contact The House Show across social media by following us on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook.

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About Kevin Decent 180 Articles
Kevin has been writing for retro and geek themed sites for over 12 years. He specializes in comics, pro wrestling, and heavy metal. But if it falls under the geek and retro banner, he'll be there.

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