The House Show 16 – WWF Ground Zero: In Your House

Everyone go to the bathroom before starting the podcast, because we’re not stopping until we discuss all three hours of this pay per view. That’s right, for the first time in the In Your House series this show is an hour longer and this new time frame continues for the rest of the shows. Ground Zero is also the first show to put the event name in front of the In Your House tag. Ground Zero: In Your House took place September 7, 1997 at the Louisville Gardens In Louisville, KY for… under 5,000 fans. That’s not a good pay per view crowd during the Monday Night Wars. Hope WWF can still afford someone’s multi-year contract in a couple months.

At SummerSlam the month before, Bret Hart began his fifth and final WWF Heavyweight title reign when he defeated the Undertaker with help from Shawn Michaels. Shawn was the guest referee for the match and his hatred of Bret is well known. Shawn swings a chair for Bret’s head but the Hitman ducks and the chair collides with the Undertaker. Shawn is forced to count the three that he caused. After this, the Undertaker vowed vengeance on Shawn Michaels.

Meanwhile, Bret Hart is feuding with a brand new face to the WWF. The Patriot! As the Canada vs. United States story continues, the Patriot provides a perfect counter for the Hart Foundation. He also fills a huge gap left by the injured Stone Cold Steve Austin. Don’t worry though, Austin is on the show to reluctantly give up the tag team titles.

We talk about Brian Pillman’s health and the blurry lines between fantasy and reality. How do wrestlers plot out a triple threat and what is the learning curve for a new type of match? The light heavyweight division begins and the minis debut on PPV. Matty Treats tells a terrifying and hilarious moving story. What are our favorite foreign objects? Is Crush over? The history of the Patriot plus what did and didn’t work for him in his WWF career. The discussion ends with one of the biggest debates in show history. Who has had the better seven year career? I’m expecting angry messages.

Tonight’s matches include:

  • Brian Pillman vs. Goldust (with Marlena). If Pillman wins, he gets Marlena for 30 days.
  • Brian Christopher vs. Scott Putski.
  • Savio Vega vs. Crush vs. Faarooq.
  • Max Mini vs. El Torito.
  • The Headbangers vs. The Godwinns vs. The Legion of Doom vs. Owen Hart and the British Bulldog for the vacant tag team titles.
  • Bret Hart (WWF Champion) vs. the Patriot.
  • Shawn Michaels vs. the Undertaker.

The Retro Network’s own Kevin Decent (@MaskedLibrary) along with his two best friends “Sweet” Matty Treats (@MattyTreats) and Matt “the Educator of Excellence” are revisiting the WWF’s In Your House pay per view events over the course of the worldwide quarantine. This trios team has been watching wrestling all their lives and debating the outcomes since high school. Join them each week for a new podcast and invite them in your house.

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About Kevin Decent 182 Articles
Kevin has been writing for retro and geek themed sites for over 12 years. He specializes in comics, pro wrestling, and heavy metal. But if it falls under the geek and retro banner, he'll be there.

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