I received an email at work the other day. Supervisors are looking for a “team of volunteers” to decorate for Fall/Halloween. We all know what is meant when work says they’re looking for volunteers. But when I truly want to embrace the spooky season for my own decor and apparel, there is only one place to go. That’s HalloweenCostumes.com. The site has been one of my favorite places to window shop over the season for many years. I find ideas for myself, my son, those previously mentioned co-workers, and it always leads to multiple texts linking friends to a variety of items I think would be perfect for their Halloween plans. Whether it be a brand new costume this year, a returning favorite, or something that hits just right – there is an abundance of amazing costumes to choose from. I put together a March Madness level bracket and came up with a list of 10 stand out costumes for this year. By no means is this list the be all end all for the site. Why you, dearly departed reader, might choose 10 other equally inspiring costumes. Without much further a-boo, join me for the number 10 selection.

This is just so delightfully absurd. I was a day one fan of The Walking Dead and I remember the hype and excitement for Jurassic Park. But never did I think the two would cross paths. All this time we thought it was a meteor that killed the dinosaurs. Turns out it was an undead virus. Which leads to the question, are fossils contagious? Either way, this costume shouldn’t be buried in the back of the closet. It’s an incredible costume for boys or clever girls.

Disney the Lion King Pumbaa and Timon Baby Carrier Costume.
This is one of the most innovative and brilliant Halloween innovations since a toiler paper roll shooting gun. The kid holds Timon, Mom or Dad hold the baby dressed as Pumbaa. The parent dresses as Simba. The child gets all the candy. Can’t rot teeth when you don’t have them yet. This costume will instantly win any cutest baby contest. There are other costumes with the same idea featuring other characters but I think this three character set up will be the pride rock of the neighborhood.

Deluxe Miss Piggy Costume for Women.
I don’t know when Halloween officially became sexy but it’s been that way for at least a generation. Every year there are new “sexy” versions of costumes to various degrees of success. At some point it felt like everything had been done. Maybe felt is the wrong word to use. Because this Miss Piggy costume is brilliant. The nose and ears aren’t too over the top. The dress and gloves look normal on a woman or a pig. “Who are you calling a pig?” My apologies. This costume deserves both a high five and a hi-yah!

Sexy Chunky Cat Costume for Men.
Speaking of sexy outfits. It’s about time for sexy costumes for men! This non Garfield non Heathcliff orange feline costume is sure to solicit many cat calls. I think a lasagna free diet is the only way to get into this outfit. Brings new meaning to the term comic strip. It may take me all 9 lives to pull this off but I’m willing to try. Might have to change the name of the show to Garfield and Friends… and Lovers after seeing this costume on the prowl.

Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Garraka Costume for Men.
I’ve seen hundreds if not thousands of Slimers, Marshmallow Men, and the Ghostbusters themselves over the years. But this costume froze me in my tracks. I want to see the blueprints and structural supports for this monster. No no Garraka, you sit in the middle of the backseat while someone else drives. Be careful taking corners so those massive horns aren’t damaged. Try to not scare any kids when we arrive at the party at say… 8 o’clock? Make sure to clean up all of the candy wrappers though. Most of those aren’t biodegradable, and no one wants Peck from the E.P.A. coming after them.

This costume exists in an adult size as well, but I don’t think that’s the intended audience. There’s a perfect age for gross out humor and that’s the age that will want to wear this costume. Sometime between 4th and 6th grade I would take whatever coins and a dollar or two I could find and buy as many packs of Garbage Pail Kids cards as that would allow. Sewer Rat creates that same feeling of naughty excitement. This mangy buck toothed vermin costume has the feeling of “ick” already stitched in. Throw in some trash or pizza slice accessories and this isn’t a sensei, it’s a mess.

Disney’s Sword and the Stone Madam Mim Women’s Costume.
Deceptively simple and universally appealing. This is a costume that creates an extroverted personality in whoever dares to challenge a wizard. Run around the neighborhood causing chaos. Work on your cackle. Carry stuffed animals to “change” into. Grab some makeup and put some red dots on your body should anyone defeat you. I would suggest a couples costume but there’s a risk of being confused for Dumbledoore. Some of us grew up with a different wizard mentoring a young boy destined for greatness.

Men’s Rainbow Brite Murky Costume.
Rainbow Brite and friends costumes have been around a little bit now, and always look amazing. But Murky?! If I had a daughter who wanted to dress as Rainbow Brite, I would buy this in a second. We could come up with an entire routine while ringing doorbells. Murky has been defeated and his punishment is to carry Rainbow Brite’s bags of candy while she politely and colorfully asks “trick or treat” at the next house. Now I’m picturing a converted little red wagon that looks like the Grunge Buggy, with Lurky riding inside.

Disney Phineas and Ferb Candace Flynn Costume.
I have to be honest, it was the eyes that got me. Generation Z is now old enough to come back around to Halloween. What better way than to take their childhood icons and turn them into amazing but a little disturbing costumes. Candace is probably the best and most sensible option from the show. Whole lot of weird looking heads on that cartoon. Mom! Phineas and Ferb are making Halloween costumes out of paper mache and cardboard again! I highly recommend borrowing a platypus for the night.

Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax Sustainable Materials Costume.
Sustainable. Materials. That is absoutley brilliant for this character. Other than maybe Captain Planet, I cannot think of a better or more appropriate character to have such specific manufacturing. Those homes that give out bags of peanuts and raisins to be “healthy” have it all wrong. Those bags are made of plastic! No matter how much chocolate or gummy sweets anyone in this costume may receive, it is still more environmentally friendly. Speak for the trees that are now covered with the previously mentioned toilet paper.
Again, by no means is this list exhaustive. There are so many amazing costumes and more on HalloweenCostumes.com and there’s plenty of time before Halloween. Be safe, be scary, be sexy – but most of all be yourself and have fun out there.
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