TRN Podcast 052 – Pod Choice 10
Mickey makes his triumphant return after being off for two weeks! He and Jason debut a new time machine concept this week call Pod Choice 10. First, we catch up on the week and our Father’s CONTINUE READING…
Mickey makes his triumphant return after being off for two weeks! He and Jason debut a new time machine concept this week call Pod Choice 10. First, we catch up on the week and our Father’s CONTINUE READING…
(From May 2016) This is our wildest, goofiest, most outrageous episode yet and why not, we’re taking on the challenge of creating a sequel to the 1984 atomic stinker, Supergirl. You know, the film about CONTINUE READING…
(From April 2016) What did you think of Batman v. Superman? If you’re like 50% of the moviegoers out there, you thought Zack Snyder delivered a sloppy, cluttered mess of a film or maybe you CONTINUE READING…
In episode 2 of Wax Pack Flashback, Mickey breaks into a pack of Doomsday The Death of Superman cards from 1992 Skybox. Then watch Jason’s response video on Instagram. Subscribe to the TRN TV YouTube CONTINUE READING…
TRN Podcast is on vacation this week, but that doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in all the retro pop culture from the last 7 days! If you are going through some Halloween withdrawals, you’ll find CONTINUE READING…
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