SequelQuest Rewind | A Sequel to Hitch | EP24

The 2005 romantic comedy, Hitch was essentially the single man’s guide to dating in cinematic form. Will Smith’s suave relationship advice as delivered to the lovestruck schlub played by Kevin James, was a wake-up call to many clueless guys trying to impress the girl of their dreams.

But where could the story go next? That’s the challenge being taken on by the SequelQuest crew in this week’s podcast adventure. Do Adam, Jeff, Justin, & Jeramy have what it takes to create a worthy sequel?

We found ways to incorporate the comedy stylings of Ryan Reynolds, Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein from Portlndia & more, so the hilarity meter is off the charts. Plus, get dating tips from the SequelQuest hosts and apply it at your own risk.

So cuddle up with that special someone an share your earbuds as you listen to our Hitch 2 episode now.

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