Hey kids, remember reading comic books in the summer? I have fond memories of a neighborhood kid and his treasure trove of Marvel’s G.I. Joe comics. Let’s all put some quarters and dollars together, grab some junk from the ice cream truck and sit down with these brand new comics that feel like yesterday.
Every comic mentioned in this article is a brand new series starting in July which means it should be easily found at your nearest comic book store. Jump in at issue one and if you like it, go back to your store and start a pull list to reserve future issues.
For digital purchases, visit ComiXology or ComiXology Unlimited. To purchase physical copies online, click on the comic book title below and visit our affiliate Things From Another World. Your purchase will help out The Retro Network and be no further expense to you. Here is the Retro Pull List July 2022 edition…

Black Adam: The Justice Society Files – Hawkman #1 (DC Comics)
The new Black Adam movie starring Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson looks great and if you want to know a little bit more of this story ahead of time, pick up these prequel comics. Many Justice Society members will be introduced in the movie and you can know more than your theater brethren by picking up this series. Black Adam debuted in 1945 and Hawkman in 1940 so there’s bound to be plenty of nostalgic fans who remember these characters from way back when.

Stranger Things Summer Special #1 (Dark Horse)
Alright, I need to admit this here. I have yet to watch a second of Stranger Things. I know! Everyone says it’s such a perfect show for me but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. If you have though, and you’re looking for more, check out this stand alone story. It features two bumbling cops missing all the clues and maybe solving a crime in Hawkins.

Star Wars: The Mandalorian #1 (Marvel Comics)
This is the way. The way to get new readers into the comic store! This will be the Mandalorian’s first appearance in comics. That alone should warrant a purchase. Of course the Child is here and who knows who else from the series. Personally, I’m hoping for Fennec Shand at some point. These stories “count” but won’t be so important that non readers will be confused when season three drops. But why wouldn’t you want to devour more stories like space frogs while waiting for new episodes?

The Army of Darkness vs Reanimator: Necronomicon Rising #1 (Dynamite)
Chainsaw hands, boomsticks, little Ash, the dead rising from the grave, and all sorts of cult horror goodness. Dynamite put their best creators on this, those that love the movies as much as any potential reader. No matter when you discovered these movies there’s no need to be UP all night. Most comic stores are open during the daylight hours and would be happy to point you to this series featuring a great many twisted covers.

Madballs vs Garbage Pail Kids #1 (Dynamite)
I can’t believe I’m writing that title as an actual comic that’s coming out. Two of the gross out kings of the 1980s combine for one over the top gross out fest. All but guaranteed to be better than the GPK movie I would believe. Personally, I think the Garbage Pail Kids are an iconic 80s franchise that is still remembered and loved by some. Madballs is much more cult-like. Shorter toy line, shorter everything. Even though it inspired a Marvel comic (through the Star imprint) and an underrated action figure line with spring launching heads. I would like to see the Madballs get the win here only to stand above the Kids for once. Heads if not shoulders above. There’s only one way to find out: buy this issue and all of the ones after.

Superman: Space Age #1 (DC Comics)
It’s Mike Allred drawing Superman and really that’s all we know for sure so far. This is supposed to be Superman through the decades and possibly a bit of satire and illumination on classic characters we may take for granted. Come for the art, stay for the story if it grabs you.

Wild Cards: The Drawing of Cards #1 (Marvel Comics)
Hey, remember that guy that wrote the novels Game of Thrones was based on? Imagine if he had also created a franchise featuring your favorite authors telling stories within this world across 25 novels, 40 authors, and three decades. In the world of Wild Cards, humanity is infected with an alien virus, and what that means for your body depends on what card you’re dealt. 90% die, 9% are mutated and known as jokers. The remaining 1% are Aces and develop powers. Anything can happen in this world which is why the idea has lasted this long and now new stories will be brought to fans through Marvel.
These titles are among hundreds of new ones released this month alone. There’s something for everyone at your local comic store and friends to meet every Wednesday.
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