I don’t know about you, but commercials can often take me back to my formative years as quickly as any song or movie can. That is why we will continue this semi-regular feature on ’80s commercials that I consider particularly memorable, noteworthy, or forgotten. Television commercials were much more influential back when we were forced to watch them without the luxury to fast-forward through and/or stream shows with limited or no interruptions. This issue will cover the “My Buddy” doll commercials introduced in 1985.

Based on the success of Cabbage Patch Kids in the early ’80s, toy companies kept pursuing the next doll craze. In 1985, Hasbro made an attempt with “My Buddy”, a larger sized doll (not action figure) that was marketed to boys. Most dolls were marketed to girls, so maybe the thought was that there was potential in the other 50% of the market. “My Buddy” could be sort of a companion for little boys while also teaching them about caring for their friends.
Now I was a little too old at this time to be the target market for this doll, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t make an impression on me. You see, the commercial played so much during cartoons back then that I can still sing the entire commercial jingle to this day. If you grew up at that time, there is a pretty good chance you can do the same thing, too. That has to be a sign of a good jingle when it sticks in your brain and you can still recite it 35+ years later, so I both commend the jingle writers and kind of despise them (for the torment) at the same time. Here are the lyrics to the “My Buddy” commercial jingle:
My Buddy, My Buddy,
Wherever I go, he goes.
My Buddy, My Buddy,
I’ll teach him everything that I know.
My Buddy and me,
Like to climb up a tree.
My buddy and me,
We’re the best friends that could be.
My Buddy, My Buddy,
My Buddy and Me!
Here is the commercial for “My Buddy” featuring that ear worm of a jingle (WARNING: Do not watch unless you want to be humming the song for the rest of the day. If you do watch, don’t say I didn’t warn you.)…
Shortly after introducing “My Buddy”, Hasbro also introduced a girl version called “Kid Sister”. In many cases, the commercial would feature a shortened version of the original “My Buddy” and then also include a part for “Kid Sister”. The “Kid Sister” song was the same song just with the lyrics changed, so it can definitely be an ear worm as well.

Another fun fact about “My Buddy” is that he is one of several dolls said to be the inspiration for Chucky from the 1988 film Child’s Play. When you look at the “Good Guys” doll that Chucky inhabits, you can’t help but notice the incredible similarities to “My Buddy”. Child’s Play director Tom Holland has said himself that he used a “My Buddy” doll and combined him with some of the features of Raggedy Ann/Andy. Speaking of Child’s Play, did you know an actual actor performed some of the scenes as Chucky? That actor is Ed Gale and you can read a little about that role and many of his others like Howard the Duck in my interview with him. Below is a side by side of “My Buddy” and the “Good Guys” doll created for the film.

There you go, another trip down memory lane in the form of TV commercials. I am sorry if you will have the song stuck in your head the rest of the day, but I did give you fair warning. It has been stuck in my head for over three decades! It is just one of countless things that reminds me of my favorite decade after just a couple notes and can instantly transport me back to the ’80s. And, that’s not a bad thing to me.
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