A Geekster Magazine

The Iconic Voices of Cree Summer

To me, Cree Summer is voice acting royalty. Originally appearing as Penny in Inspector Gadget, she has lent her voice talents to hundreds of cartoons and video games. While I grew up hearing her voice CONTINUE READING…

Featured: Commercial Appeal


Retro Commercials: My Buddy

I don’t know about you, but commercials can often take me back to my formative years as quickly as any song or movie can. That is why we will continue this semi-regular feature on ’80s commercials CONTINUE READING…

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Do You Remember?

Lawn Darts

Do You Remember? Lawn Darts

Starting in the 1970s, people began to cast a suspicious eye on the safety standards used in making toys. Parents and lawmakers began voicing their concerns and this led to new legal standards for what CONTINUE READING…


Do You Remember? ColecoVision

ColecoVision was the Cadillac of home video games back in 1982; a system so powerful, you’d make friends with the biggest jerk on the block just to be near it. Everyone had an Atari—that quaint little CONTINUE READING…

Night Gallery

Do You Remember? Night Gallery

Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone had a cult following like few shows this side of Star Trek, and ever since the program’s cancellation in 1964, the die-hards had been begging for new episodes. They wouldn’t get them during CONTINUE READING…

Do You Remember? Big Trak

November of 1979 was the moment the future finally arrived in the American living room. When the holidays arrived a month later, many American children (mostly boys) were treated to the toy of their dreams, CONTINUE READING…