Remember the “Pepsi Challenge” back in the ’80s where a blind taste test would determine whether Pepsi or Coke was the preferred cola? With the re-issue of New Coke, it’s time to resurrect the challenge! Me and my two boys recently took the “New Coke Challenge” with now three options to test our palettes: New Coke, Classic Coke, and Pepsi. While it would have been fun to simply introduce the New Coke flavor to my sons (and myself who was only 9 years old in 1985,) trying to guess the three flavors was truly a great experience.
Michael Cannetti is back to laugh along with the Wizard April Fool’s Day issue from 2000 that’s full of fake-outs and geeky gags. Plus the hosts review Batman: Dark Victory by Jeph Loeb and Tim CONTINUE READING…
The Taco Bell food you enjoy today is probably not the same stuff you enjoyed in your younger years. That’s not a huge surprise as menus change through the years. Fast food restaurants are constantly CONTINUE READING…
After a decade of speculation and failed attempts, Warner Bros. announced on Feb. 14, 2025 that a Goonies sequel is in production with Steven Spielberg producing. Screenwriter Potsy Ponciroli has been tapped to write the script, and Steven CONTINUE READING…
The World Series had one its most memorable moments in 1988 when Kirk Gibson hit a dramatic home run. The following year, the 1989 World Series became memorable for an entirely different reason. The 1989 CONTINUE READING…
When I was really young, we only had a handful of channels to watch. Because of that, my brother and I watched the same handful of episodes of the same shows over and over again. CONTINUE READING…
It might be hard today to fully grasp just how big a cultural moment it was when Tim Burton’s Batman opened in theaters thirty years ago this month. You couldn’t go out of the house without CONTINUE READING…
'80s Kid, '90s Grad, and '00s Dad. I've been writing and podcasting about 1980s pop culture since 2011 at my website. I collect vinyl, cassingles, '80s comics, Batman memorabilia, and all things Mobile Armored Strike Kommand.
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