Five Things We Miss From the ’80s

The ‘80s, what an amazing time. So amazing, that pop culture is currently flooded with inspiration and nostalgia from this incredible era. It’s safe to say the ‘80s are back, baby – and they’ll hopefully be around for quite some time! Today, we’re going to have a nice tall glass of nostalgia, and remember some of the quintessential ‘80s feats. Here are the top 5 things we can all admit we miss from our past:


80s Music

‘80s Music

Arguably home to the best music era of all time, the ’80s gave birth to some of the most talented and interesting artists and jams – music from this time will forever be iconic and live on through the generations. From Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” to Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin”, music from the ‘80s was unique and filled with character, emotion, and raw talent. Alongside this, these jams were also insanely quotable and poetic. After all.. we built this city on Rock and Roll! If you have a favorite memorable quote from a song, why not make it into a custom vinyl wall decal? At StickerYou, we make it easy to write your personal expression on any wall with our vinyl lettering editor.


Slap Bracelets

Slap Bracelets

Who doesn’t miss the satisfying snap sound of successfully wrapping your slap bracelet around your wrist, or slapping them over an unsuspecting wrist? Invented in 1983, this viral fashion trend was a simple piece of long steel, similar to steel tape, covered in fabric – the more flashy the fabric, the better. This toy surely echoes in the minds of any ‘80s kid and was a perfect pairing to your favorite choker or platform shoes. When it comes to kids, the appeal of simple and easy-to-use gadgets is vastly overrated – sometimes less is more! I think it’s fair to say we were all addicted to this awesome accessory.


Mix Tape


Mixtapes were homemade compilations of music, and one of the best ways to show your personal expression and love for artists – curating the order of your custom mixtape cassette was certainly considered a form of high art and talent! Although they were later placed by USBs and CDs, cassette mixtapes were a crucial part of youth culture and even made a great gift to a friend or somebody you fancy. Music compilations will forever be an awesome and fun hobby, regardless of your age!


Retro Gaming

Retro Gaming

The ‘80s was the birth era of many amazing consoles that are still around and adored by folks today and is often referred to as the golden age of arcade games. This is the time period that video games began entering pop culture, and became a huge force in the lives of everyone. The Nintendo Entertainment System was released in the mid-’80s, and The Sega Genesis was released in 1988. Many of these consoles are still kickin’ around today, and can be considered a collector’s item! If you can’t get your hands on one of these retro systems, why not rep your passion with some custom retro gaming stickers? If you don’t see any artwork you love, you can always upload your own custom artwork to our Sticker Maker, and create your custom stickers order in a matter of minutes!


80s Fashion

The Fashion

Ahh.. the fashion. The ‘80s were a decade of wild dance-inspired clothing and hair trends. Fanny packs, velour, patches, scrunchies, shoulder pads, spandex, and many more awesome trends had their peak moments. A lot of these trends have come back into modern-day fashion and will be referenced by many future generations of well-dressed individuals.

Overall, it’s safe to say the ‘80s were a very memorable time, filled with endless nostalgia and recollections. We’ll never get tired of reliving the awesome trends, and we hope you don’t either!

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