In 1991 DC resurrected a group of Archie characters from the 1940’s for their Impact Comics imprint. It all started in July 1991 with Legend of the Shield and The Comet. In August The Jaguar and The Fly made their debut. In September another new title hit the shelves, The Web #1.
The Web was created in the 1942 by John Cassone of Archie Comics. It lasted less than a year and was canceled in 1943. The Web would reappear in the 1960s but it wasn’t well received and was canceled again.
When DC licensed the characters in 1991 they went a new direction with The Web. The original character was one man, John Raymond, who wore a high tech suit and was a martial arts master. In the new DC incarnation The Web isn’t one man but a group of operators trying to take down Templar.
The Web #1, September 1991
The first issue of The Web is a brief introduction to the new group of superheroes. Actually we only meet one of the superheroes, a man named Rothco. He tries to stop a robbery in progress and realizes the robbers are Templar Knights. After he foils the robbery he heads to a defunct safe house and calls HQ.

We discover The Web organization was disbanded due to funding issues but it is refunded and back in business. The man in charge, Wild Bill, tells Rothco to return to Headquarters. Rothco asks about the other members and Wild Bill says Beaupre and Kennedy have checked in and he heard from Sunshine.
Rothco comments there used to be more than a dozen operatives. When Rothco is picked up in a modern helicopter he tells ‘Jump’ it’s better than what they had in the 60’s. A nice call out to the last time The Web was published. And that ends the issue.
There is a small side story of a young boy who runs away from home and finds the safe house. The story will continue throughout the run of The Web.
There are so many questions from this issue. Who is Rothco? What is The Web? Who is Beupre, Kennedy and Jump?
Why is The Web network still functioning if it was shut down in the 60’s? What is Templar and Templar Knights?
With so many questions I was certainly buying issue #2 to get the answers. The Web had an OK run for Impact Comics, 14 issues and one annual. It was canceled in October 1992.
The real question is..how are the ads in The Web #1?
Let’s find out
3 Musketeers

We’ve seen this ad before in Armageddon 2001 and Ghost Rider #15. As the 3 Musketeers ads go, this one is my favorite.
It has a nice Indiana Jones vibe and no snakes!
Ball Park Franks

This ad is about as 90’s as you can get.
Funky shapes and bright colors, Check. Fanny pack, Check. Roller Blades, Check. Neon Sunglasses, Check. I like how they call the Fanny Pack a Belt Bag…doesn’t make it any cooler.
I ate lots of hot dogs growing up, usually Oscar Meyer, but occasionally mom would splurge and buy the Ball Park Franks. As hot dogs go, they may be the best out there.
Once I learned what hot dogs are really made of, I stopped eating as many…
Dungeons & Dragons

We saw this ad in the last issue. The ad in this issue is inferior paper and color. The glossy centerfold can’t be beat.
Bill & Ted Nintendo Game

I’d like to say the scanner cut off the top of the ad, but it was like that in the comic!
Bill & Ted were big names in the early 90’s. The first movie was a hit and quickly capitalized upon. Everything from cereal to animated series to video games.
This video game wasn’t that great. You played as Bill or Ted depending on the level and the goal was to return historic figures back to the correct time period.
This game is more of a Bogus Journey, than an Excellent Adventure.
If you want to see for yourself, you can play in on PlayOldGames.org
Joker Convention

This is the normal convention ad. A list of dates and locations.
I love the Joker art in this ad.
Fleer cards

Another ad we saw in the last issue. Check it out there, it’s much better quality.
Steven Seagal’s World

I Love this ad!
The only drawback is, it’s a little dark and muddy. Seeing this ad now I wish I wold have become a charter member in the Steven Seagal fan club.
For the low, low price of $24.95 you get a Official Membership card, a Steven Seagal T-Shirt, biography, catalog and a full color poster! Not to mention the free patch with every order.
There is so much awesome in this ad it’s hard to fathom. Whatever you do don’t look directly into Seagal’s eyes.
Retro Ads

Ah, the retro ads, a nice throwback to the 70’s and 80’s.
It’s got everything. How to build muscles fast so you can become a superhero. Learn to draw courses, back issues of comics and shrunken heads.
You can send your money to HEADHUNTERS for the Shrunken heads. Seems legit.
DC Annuals

The DC Annuals in 1991 were pushing the Armageddon 2001 story line. You can read all about the story in The Armageddon 2001 issue. It’s worth the time if you are unfamiliar with the story.
The Flash And Hawkworld were right in the middle of the story line. The Hawkworld Annual was a great part of the story and then the writers shredded their own story out of pride or hurt ego. Read the Armageddon 2001 issue for my perspective on the crossover.
Cracker Jack

Who doesn’t like Cracker Jack? There are numerous imposter’s; Fuddle Faddle, Poppycock, Crunch ‘n Munch but nothing beats the original.
Cracker Jack is as American as baseball and apple pie.
This ad is for the second series of Topps miniature baseball cards inside a box of Cracker Jack. There was another ad for these cards in Hawk and Dove #25, but this one is better. You can see the cards better and the image is on the inside back cover. It is a in brilliant color for all to see.
I remember buying boxes of Cracker Jacks to get these cards. I wish I had still had them around. I’ve looked through my stash and don’t have a single one.
Lone Ranger Video Game

Who was that masked man?
A cool ad for The Lone Ranger video game for Nintendo. The game appears to be created in a vacuum. Maybe someone at Nintendo was a fan of The Lone Ranger. The last Lone Ranger appearance was a 1981 movie no one saw. I don’t know why Nintendo tried to revive the property.
Maybe they were trying to capitalize on the recent string of Western hits in the theater. Young Guns and the sequel, Dances with Wolves, Quigley Down Under and even Back to the Future III were all popular Westerns. The marvelous Lonesome Dove TV series was still popular too, despite being a few years old.
Why Nintendo didn’t license one of those is unclear, maybe it was too expensive. Besides the failed 1981 movie, The Lone Ranger was dormant for nearly 40 years. Nintendo used the 1981 movie as the inspiration for the game.
The crazy thing is, there isn’t a kid from the 70’s or 80’s who doesn’t know the Lone Ranger. Hearing the first horn of the William Tell Overture sparks memories of the Lone Ranger riding on his trusty stead Silver. Maybe Nintendo is smarter than I think…
While The Lone Ranger game may have been missed by the masses it is a fun game to play, mixing in different game styles from other Nintendo games. It is part top-down view like The Legend of Zelda and part side scroller like Castlevania.
The Lone Ranger was a fun game. One might say it lost it’s way a bit when, in part six, you have to infiltrate a ninja hideout. But that makes the game better! It’s ninjas!
This ad is great too. Plenty of screen shots to show off game and great artwork.
If you missed the game you can watch someone else play all the way through. Be sure to stick around for the ninjas.
Hi-Yo Silver! Away!
That’s going to wrap up this issue of Check Out Those Ads! The World of Steven Seagal is my favorite ad. It makes me want to slick my hair back and beat up some thugs.
What’s your favorite ad? Let us know in the comments below.
Until next time, keep your comics bagged and boarded…unless you want to thumb through them to check out the great ads!
Check out the previous installments of
Check Out Those Ads!
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