Music Monday – Billy Idol Video Spotlight
We shine this week’s spotlight on Billy Idol. Idol started his solo career right as MTV was starting to take off. My absolute favorite Idol song is also the first hit he scored in the CONTINUE READING…
We shine this week’s spotlight on Billy Idol. Idol started his solo career right as MTV was starting to take off. My absolute favorite Idol song is also the first hit he scored in the CONTINUE READING…
The first two cassette tapes that I ever bought were Midnight Madness by Night Ranger and Duran Duran’s Seven and The Ragged Tiger. Two VERY different bands but I’m unashamed to say I loved Duran CONTINUE READING…
Welcome back to another TRN Round Table. It’s where we get together and share our thoughts on the same subject. Earlier this week, the latest episode of the TRN Podcast featured Jason, Mickey, and Eric CONTINUE READING…
I cannot live without music. I’m always creating an internal soundtrack for the movie they’ll never make about my life, but it helps me get through the day. High school was no exception. Join CONTINUE READING…
When I decided to take a look back at my high school soundtrack from 1996-2000, I realized something, it’s also my modern day playlist. Just as I’m still surrounded by the same old VHS tapes, CONTINUE READING…
I remember finding my parents’ Beatles albums. Around the same time, my oldest cousin discovered his parents’ Led Zeppelin. That connection between generations has been something I’ve been aware of all my life. Yet this reflection back on my own high school music is absurd now that I have a child. CONTINUE READING…
Most would say that our musical preferences are developed in our teenage and high school years. My personal soundtrack had a whole menu of flavors… CONTINUE READING…
I have a lot of memories from high school. Not vague recollections but vivid images of events and people and when I recount those memories and stories to people, I get an all too common CONTINUE READING…
Copying music from the radio in the ’80s was just a way of life. We never thought of the ramifications of what we were doing. This is my story…the story of a music pirate. CONTINUE READING…
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