
The Beastmaster

Every film lover has a ‘guilty pleasure,’ a movie one enjoys despite what popular opinion says about it. The designation has been applied to films as diverse as Grease and Plan 9 From Outer Space, but one film CONTINUE READING…


10 Best Cartoons of the 80’s

Cartoons were inescapable in the 1980’s. Saturday mornings, weekday afternoons and even on cable TV, colorful animated characters were everywhere we looked. While the majority were shoddy productions conceived as part of carefully constructed marketing CONTINUE READING…


Santa Claus The Movie

Title role notwithstanding, Santa was primarily a supporting character in 1985’s holiday family feature Santa Claus. Dudley Moore got top billing as an elf named Patch, with John Lithgow taking the role of antagonist B.Z. Saint CONTINUE READING…


Joust Arcade Game

You have to wonder whether the programmers at Williams Electronics didn’t have a bit of a sadistic streak in them. It’s one thing to pit best friends against one another—Gun Fight, Warlords, and others had already taken CONTINUE READING…