
X-Men Arcade Game

Backed by a techno theme song, Marvel Comics’ band of misunderstood mutant superheroes stormed into arcades in 1992. Konami had built a mini-franchise using licensed characters in side-scrolling fighting games—Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Simpsons—and with CONTINUE READING…

Howard the Duck

Howard the Duck

They said it couldn’t be done. Steve Gerber’s comic book about a foul-tempered (fowl-tempered? No, that’s too easy), beer-guzzling, cigar-chomping duck simply wouldn’t translate to film. Not even Lea Thompson as the leader of an CONTINUE READING…

Shrinky Dinks

Shrinky Dinks

Gather ye ‘round, gather ye ‘round! Shoulder yourself in amongst the crowd that’s growing around the oven and take a gander through that glass…magic baked goods are transforming before your very eyes! We’re not talking CONTINUE READING…


The Beastmaster

Every film lover has a ‘guilty pleasure,’ a movie one enjoys despite what popular opinion says about it. The designation has been applied to films as diverse as Grease and Plan 9 From Outer Space, but one film CONTINUE READING…