Top ’80s Songs with Royalty in the Title

With the Royal Family in the news quite a bit lately, I thought I would share my list about ’80s Songs with Royalty in the Title. We are talking about a decade which featured prominent work by the artist known as Prince, the “King of Pop” Michael Jackson as well as a little band called Queen. It also included one of the most watched events of all-time, the 1981 Royal wedding of Lady Diana to Prince Charles, the very first WWF (WWE) Royal Rumble in 1984 and the Kansas City Royals winning their first World Series title in 1985. Surprisingly though, Royalty didn’t appear in as many song titles as I would’ve expected.

To qualify for the list, the song had to be released from 1980-1989 and feature a term of royalty in the title. This could include King, Queen, Prince, Princess, Duke and the like. So, let’s get right to it, here is MY TOP 10 SONGS FROM ’80s WITH ROYALTY IN THE TITLE:

10. “The Queen is Dead” by The Smiths (1986)


9. “Rocket Queen” by Guns ‘N Roses (1987)


8. “Princes of the Universe” by Queen (1986) from the Highlander soundtrack


7.  “Queen of the Broken Hearts” by Loverboy (1983)


6.  “We Three Kings of Orient Are” by Miles Davis, Larry Carlton, David Sanborn & Paul Shaffer (1988) as featured in the film Scrooged


5.  “King of Rock” by Run-DMC (1985)


4.  “Caribbean Queen (No More Love on the Run)” by Billy Ocean (1984)


3.  “Queen of Hearts” by Juice Newton (1981)


2.  “King For a Day” by Thompson Twins (1985)


1.  “King of Pain” by The Police (1983)


There’s my list. I included videos for the Top 5, but I am sure you can find the others if interested. As usual, these are based on my personal preferences and the order could very well change a little depending on my mood or nostalgia on a given day. “King of Wishful Thinking” by Go West just missed qualifying for the list being released in March of 1990. “Dancing Queen” by ABBA was released in 1976 and Stevie Wonder’s “Sir Duke” in 1977, so they missed it by a few years on the other side. Are there any songs from the ’80s with royalty in the title that you feel I have overlooked? If you have others or if you’d rank any differently, please leave them in the comments section below. Shakespeare penned “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown” but he didn’t say anything about the song with a crown in the title. Those can be pretty easy on the ear at least.


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About OldSchool80s 87 Articles
Old School Tim has an adoring devotion to the awesome '80s decade. He loves to relive and share that nostalgia on a regular basis. The Kickin' it Old School blog site has been retired, but you can still get daily doses of '80s goodness on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and anywhere else they let him.

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