Fascinating Facts About Hot Wheels

Since 1968, Hot Wheels have been a favorite toy of kids and adults the world over. Even as popular as they have been for over fifty years, there’s probably a few things you still don’t know about them. Let us fill your brain with 5 fun facts you may have been previously unaware of.

1. All 16 of the Original Hot Wheels Were Based on an Actual Customized Vehicle

Not just normal vehicles either. The Dodge Deora was designed by two brothers in 1964, and it won so many awards that Chrysler actually bought it and kept it amongst other concept vehicles for years, before selling it to a major collector.

2. There are More Hot Wheels Models in the World Today Than Real Cars

Over 4,000,000,000 (yep, four billion) have been produced since the first was cast in 1968.

3. Elliot Handler Created Hot Wheels. His Wife Ruth Created Barbie Dolls!

It was in the 1950’s that Ruth Handler hit on the brilliant idea of Barbie Dolls based on their daughter Barbara’s love of playing with paper dolls. In the 1960’s, Elliot hit on his own million dollar idea with the idea of designer hot rod cars. That’s an innovative family.

4. Several of Hot Wheel’s Most Revered Designers Were Actual Car Designers

Like Larry Wood, who oversaw the design of most of the Hot Wheels you played with growing up. But before his career at Mattel, he spent most of the 1960’s working at Ford designing cars.

5. Larry Once Put His Real Home Phone Number on the Side of a Tow Truck…

Which led to many, many phone calls from both children and parents. He eventually had to change his number as a result.

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About Mickey Yarber 214 Articles
Editor-in-Chief Sometimes referred to as the Retro Rambler...I was born in the '70s, grew up in the '80s, and came of age in the '90s. I love to share all the fun stuff from those years via my Retro Ramblings column.

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