Super7 is Adding Silverhawks To It’s Reaction Figures Line

Super7’s ’80s-inspired line of ReAction Figures expands with the SilverHawks team. SilverHawks Wave 1 includes Bluegrass with Hot Licks, Mon*Star (Pre-Transformation), Quicksilver with Tally Hawk, and Steelheart with Rayzor. 

Standing at 3.75 inches tall, these “Toy Version” ReAction Figures are inspired by the original toy line, which was itself inspired by the Rankin-Bass TV show. These high-quality figures will add to any action fan’s collection, evoking a great sense of nostalgia.

Each figure is carefully curated and packaged with accessories in a collector-friendly blistered cardback. Bluegrass, the chrome fighter pilot, includes removable hat accessories and a Side Man guitar. With Tally-Hawk by his side, Quicksilver, and his shiny vac-metal appearance, takes charge of the SilverHawks gang. Joined by Rayzord, Steelheart also glimmers with her vac-metal exterior, and has the need for speed. Lastly, Mon*Star stands tall and in all red as the enemy of the SilverHawks.

Super7 ReAction Figures are available at select independent specialty retailers, mass retailers, and fan channel retailers, including

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About Mickey Yarber 212 Articles
Editor-in-ChiefSometimes referred to as the Retro Rambler...I was born in the '70s, grew up in the '80s, and came of age in the '90s. I love to share all the fun stuff from those years via my Retro Ramblings column.

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