Pete and Michael officially welcome in the New and New to You segment with spoiler-free initial impressions of The Batman and reminisce about cult comedy favorite, My Cousin Vinny!
Stay tuned later this month as Box Office 30 will feature My Cousin Vinny in an episode long Re-View.
Stream Box Office 30: March 1992 + My Cousin Vinny Recall below and subscribe to the Box Office 30 feed directly in your favorite podcast app.
New monthly episodes are released the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month. Part one looks at box office of the corresponding month, 30 years in the past. Part two is a Re-View which is a re-watch and discussion covering one of the top movies of that month.
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Box Office 30 Merchandise is now available at our TeePublic shop!
My Cousin Vinny was so good. I really wish the sequel had come out.