Back in Issue #4 of the new Recurrent Events newsletter, we told you that Mountain Dew Voodew was back. Well, it is here and Jason recently picked up a bottle at Walmart to give his review. If you’ve tried it, leave your thoughts in the comments.
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Welcome to Geekster’s Valentine’s Day 80s movie night! Romantic comedies (rom-coms) are a staple for Hollywood. While they’ve been around since the 30’s they took hold in the 80’s and exploding in the 90’s and CONTINUE READING…
Even if you have never watched The Love Boat you know the show takes place on a ship. The iconic vessel is displayed prominently in the opening credits, serving as a backdrop to the frenzy of CONTINUE READING…
Ever since enterprising toymakers hit on the gimmick of combining electricity and sports, many a fan has whiled his rainy-day hours away over miniaturized electric versions of his favorite outdoor games. Few U.S. sports are CONTINUE READING…
This is a guest post by Dan Goubert from Cerealously. For the absolute best coverage of old and new cereal, visit him on the web and follow him on Twitter. What’s the most “Cereal Holiday?” CONTINUE READING…
In my line of work, I rarely work with the same people more than once. I often find myself explaining who I am and figuring out who I’ll be spending the next few days with CONTINUE READING…
Like many other children of the 80s or 90s, I grew up watching Saved by the Bell. I previously wrote an article about something that has always puzzled some fans of the show, titled “Where Did CONTINUE READING…
'80s Kid, '90s Grad, and '00s Dad. I've been writing and podcasting about 1980s pop culture since 2011 at my website. I collect vinyl, cassingles, '80s comics, Batman memorabilia, and all things Mobile Armored Strike Kommand.
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