The House Show 012 – WWF In Your House 12: It’s Time

It’s time. It’s time. It’s Vader Time! Vader? Unfortunately, Vader couldn’t be here this evening fans, even though this event was titled after his catchphrase. The booking plans changed along the way. In Your House 12 “It’s Time” took place December 15, 1996 at the West Palm Beach Auditorium in West Palm Beach, Florida in front of nearly 6,000 fans. Best of all it was presented by Milton Bradley’s Karate Fighters!

This is an extra special episode today. This is the bedroom episode! Due to some internet connection issues both the Educator and the Masked Library have moved their electronics into the place where the magic happens. The podcasting magic. Magic like fantasy booking two wrestlers switching characters. How tall is seven feet tall? Breaking down the work of Glenn Jacobs with the world’s number one Fake Diesel fan. Kevin questions how many wrestlers actually watch tape of their opponents. Which moves look too dangerous? Does anyone in WWF give veteran wrestlers a try out to see if they can still work before signing them?

In Your House 12 matches include:

  • Flash Funk vs. Leif Cassidy.
  • Owen Hart and the British Bulldog (WWF tag team champions) (with Clarence Mason) vs. Fake Diesel and Fake Razor Ramon.
  • Marc Mero (with Sable) vs. Hunter Hearst Helmsley (Intercontinental champion).
  • The Undertaker vs The Executioner (with Paul Bearer) in an Armageddon Rules match.
  • Sycho Sid (WWF Champion) vs. Bret Hart.

The Retro Network’s own Kevin Decent (@MaskedLibrary) along with his two best friends “Sweet” Matty Treats (@MattyTreats) and Matt “the Educator of Excellence” are revisiting the WWF’s In Your House pay per view events over the course of the worldwide quarantine. This trios team has been watching wrestling all their lives and debating the outcomes since high school. Join them each week for a new podcast and invite them in your house. Contact The House Show across social media! Follow us on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook.

About Kevin Decent 181 Articles
Kevin has been writing for retro and geek themed sites for over 12 years. He specializes in comics, pro wrestling, and heavy metal. But if it falls under the geek and retro banner, he'll be there.

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