OK Soda

OK Soda

Like Hypercolor clothing and Tae Bo, OK Soda was a cult invention that some people loved with a passion, but that never really caught on with everybody. In 1993, beverage giant Coca-Cola looked at Generation CONTINUE READING…

Geekster Podcasts

The WIZARD Files | Episode 33: Jimmy Palmiotti

Comics veteran, Jimmy Palmiotti joins Adam & Michael to share stories from the 90’s comics boom, entering the Wizard magazine inner circle, prank calling other comic book pros and more hilarious stories. LISTEN NOW

Camp Candy

Camp Candy

Camp Candy was a summer sleepover camp owned and operated by John Candy. Like most camps, it offered activities like boating, swimming, and fishing; but unlike most camps, this one had a variety of crazy CONTINUE READING…


90’s Summer Reloaded

My childhood was spent in Southern California, the home of palm trees and endless sunshine. While most folks imagine a California summer filled with surfboards, bikinis and Beach Boys tunes, I grew up just 20 CONTINUE READING…