Greatest Lists S1 #38 “I Can Dream About You” by Dan Hartman

Greatest Lists is a Music + Talk podcast featuring lists of the greatest songs of all time. Each season, hosts Eric and Jason will select a category and then count down their picks, one song at a time.

The first season of Greatest Lists features the Top 50 ’80s Movie Soundtrack Songs and in this episode, Jason chooses “I Can Dream About You” by Dan Hartman from the movie Streets of Fire as the #38 song on the list. Listen to get the scoop on the song’s history, commercial success, and the hosts’ personal history and reviews.

If you listen to Greatest Lists with Spotify premium, you’ll hear the songs after the show. If you use a different app to listen to music, use this Songwhip link to find “I Can Dream About You” by Dan Hartman. This episode’s bonus song is “Deeper and Deeper” from The Fixx which you can also connect with on Songwhip.

Eric and Jason also recently hosted a Twitter Spaces (as mentioned during the episode) recapping songs 41-50, some behind the scenes chatter, and a preview of songs coming up in the countdown. Click over to Twitter and have a listen.

Greatest Lists is best heard on Spotify Premium with the featured songs played directly after each podcast. You can also connect with the show in your favorite listening app like Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, and more or stream episodes by visiting the Greatest Lists website.

Follow the hosts on Twitter, Eric (@Eric_Vardeman) and Jason (@RD80s), and give them your feedback on this episode’s song choice!

While you are here, watch the music videos for “I Can Dream About You” below. First is the original featuring the Sorels concert from the film intermixed with select scenes.

Here is Dan Hartman’s music video featuring him as a bartender trying to impress Joyce Hyser…

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About Jason Gross 556 Articles
'80s Kid, '90s Grad, and '00s Dad. I've been writing and podcasting about 1980s pop culture since 2011 at my website. I collect vinyl, cassingles, '80s comics, Batman memorabilia, and all things Mobile Armored Strike Kommand.

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